Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pages lovey (Blankey)

My daughter was attached to her "blankey" for a while before I was aware of it. One night it wasn't in her bed and she cried for it. It was a borrowed blanket that was in a pile of loaned baby stuff from a friend. Needless to say, my friend never got the blanket back. It is a hand made knitted blanket and yes Paige still sleeps with it at 35yrs. I hope that doesn't say something about my parenting style. I will take some comfort in knowing I had something to do with the mother she is today. She is a AP mother and sleeps with Blankey and her daughter now.


  1. I had my blankey - but I was never wanting for hugs and kisses either! Co-sleeping was so frowned upon in the 70s.

  2. It's amazing that she still has the original, you both must have kept really good care of it!
